In case you have a question or want to share an awesome JSON Forms based project with the world, feel free to post it in our JSON Forms Discourse.
JSON Forms Editor
This editor is a proof of concept, is no longer maintained and is based on an older version of JSON Forms.
The JSON Forms editor is a customizable visual editor for JSON Forms UI schemas. It can also be extended to serve as a visual editor for JSON Schemas. A deployed version can be found here and the source code is available here.
Community Projects
The following projects were developed and are maintained by the JSON Forms community.
The following links are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by EclipseSource of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. EclipseSource bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.
- JSON Forms Blazor integration by Neuroglia SRL
integrated with JSON Forms by CarlosNZ- React Spectrum renderers by
- React Native POC by Lin Xiang
- JSON Forms Vuetify WebComponent by Krasimir Chobantonov
- Camunda JSON Forms Plugin by Krasimir Chobantonov
- Additional JSON Forms React Renderers by Krasimir Chobantonov
- JSON Forms Editor by
- JSON Forms AntD Renderers by GX Labs
- Jsonform Builder by Eidriahn
- formaide Form Editor by Johannes Eriksson
- Flutter JSON Forms Renderer by
You would like to see your project listed here? Simply open a PR against the JSON Forms website repository!