Function useJsonFormsOneOfEnumControl

  • Provides bindings for 'Control' elements which resolve to manually constructed 'oneOf' enums. These are used to enhance enums with label support.

    Access bindings via the provided reactive control object. Dispatch changes via the provided handleChange method.


    Returns {
        control: ComputedRef<{
            cells: {
                cell: any;
                tester: RankedTester;
            config: any;
            data: any;
            description: string;
            enabled: boolean;
            errors: string;
            i18nKeyPrefix: string;
            id: string;
            label: string;
            options: EnumOption[];
            path: string;
            renderers: JsonFormsRendererRegistryEntry[];
            required: NonNullable<undefined | boolean>;
            rootSchema: NonNullable<JsonSchema>;
            schema: NonNullable<JsonSchema>;
            uischema: ControlElement;
            visible: boolean;
    } & DispatchPropsOfControl

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