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Rules allow for dynamic aspects for a form, e.g. by hiding or disabling UI schema elements.

A rule may be attached to any UI schema element and can be defined with the rule property which looks like:

"rule": {
"effect": "HIDE" | "SHOW" | "ENABLE" | "DISABLE",
"condition": {
"scope": "<UI Schema scope>",
"schema": JSON Schema

A rule basically works by first evaluating the condition property and in case it evaluates to true, executing the associated effect.

Rule Effect

The effect property determines what should happen to the attached UI schema element once the condition is met. Current effects include:

  • HIDE: hide the UI schema element
  • SHOW: show the UI schema element
  • DISABLE: disable the UI schema element
  • ENABLE: enable the UI schema element

Rule Condition

The rule condition object should conform to the SchemaBasedCondition interface.

It should contain a scope and schema property, where the schema is a standard JSON schema object. This means everything that can be specified using JSON schema can be used as a rule condition.

The schema is validated against the data specified in the scope property. If the scope data matches the schema the rule evaluates to true and the rule effect is applied.

If the scope resolves to undefined, the JSON schema will successfully validate and the condition will be applied. Optionally, failWhenUndefined: true can be specified to fail the condition in case the scope resolves to undefined.


Below are some common rule examples.

To match a scope variable to a specific value, "const" can be used:

"rule": {
"effect": "HIDE",
"condition": {
"scope": "#/properties/counter",
"schema": { const: 10 }

Here, the control is hidden when the counter property is equal to 10.

Similar, to match multiple values, enum can be used:

"rule": {
"effect": "HIDE",
"condition": {
"scope": "#/properties/name",
"schema": { enum: ["foo", "bar"] }

The rule evaluates to true if the scope property name is either "foo" or "bar".

A rule can be negated using "not":

"rule": {
"effect": "SHOW",
"condition": {
"scope": "#/properties/counter",
"schema": { not: { const: 10 } }

The following rule evaluates to true if the counter property is 1 <= counter < 10:

"rule": {
"effect": "SHOW",
"condition": {
"scope": "#/properties/counter",
"schema": { minimum: 1, exclusiveMaximum: 10 }

This rule evaluates to true if the counter property exists and is larger than 1. This is in contrast with the previous rule, which will evaluate to true if the counter property is undefined.

"rule": {
"effect": "SHOW",
"condition": {
"scope": "#/properties/counter",
"schema": { minimum: 1 },
"failWhenUndefined": true

A rule can even operate on the full form data object and over multiple properties:

"rule": {
"effect": "SHOW",
"condition": {
"scope": "#",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"stringArray": { "contains": { "const": "Foo" } }
"required": ["stringArray", "otherProperty"]

In this example, the condition is true if the properties "stringArray" and "otherProperty" are set in the form data and the "stringArray" property contains an element "Foo". Note, that the schema rule in this example looks more like a normal JSON schema as it is commonly used.